Interstate font license
Interstate font license

interstate font license

Counters are open, even in the bold and bold condensed weights, which improves readability. Ascending and descending stroke terminals are cut at an angle to the stroke, whereas terminals on curving strokes are drawn at a 90° angle to the stroke, putting them at an angle to the baseline. The font was gained popularity due to its optimal characters for signage, text settings in print and on screen.

interstate font license

Interstate is a digital typeface designed by Tobias Frere-Jones which was licensed by Font Bureau. The font was designed by American typeface designer Tobias Frere-Jones. The sans-serif typeface was released back in 1990s and has been used ever since.

interstate font license

Use the font for yourself with Interstate Font Free Download. Interstate is a clean and condensed font that has high readability. Looking for a neat and elegant typeface? Presenting you another neat and elegant Sans-Serif typeface that is popular worldwide, Interstate Font.

Interstate font license